
Welcome to the First Workshop on Game AI Algorithms and Multi-Agent Learning! This is a workshop co-located with IJCAI 2024 Conference in Jeju Island, South Korea.

Games serve as sources of inspiration and open test-fields for human intelligence. Various games, ranging from traditional card games to video games and virtual reality games, have shared a history of evolution for more than 5000 years with civilization and technology of the human society. Games contain incarnations of diverse models in the game theory, and also provide rich simulations of real-world scenarios. In the present age, games continue to catalyze the development of artificial intelligence, proposing novel research problems and providing benchmarks for learning algorithms. To date, many games including Chess and Go have witnessed superhuman performance of AI algorithms, while human-level AI for harder games like Mahjong remains an open problem.

The First Workshop on Game AI Algorithms and Multi-Agent Learning aims to investigate specific solutions to different forms of games as well as general learning theories, frameworks, and methods for game playing and decision making.


We solicit contributions from AI researchers who are interested in games and decision-making algorithms. Our topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • AI algorithms for game-playing
  • Game theories and multi-agent systems
  • General formulations of game solutions
  • Game mechanics and environment design
  • Feature engineering in game AI
  • Evaluation of agents' rankings and game balance


Workshop Schedule (Afternoon, August 3rd, 2024)
Time Agenda
14:00 Opening and Welcome Speech by the workshop chair
14:15 Invited talk #1
15:00 Paper presentations
Selected paper presentation #1
Selected paper presentation #2
15:30 Coffee break & Poster session
16:00 Invited talk #2
16:45 Paper presentations
Selected paper presentation #3
Selected paper presentation #4
17:15 Symposiums of the 4th IJCAI Mahjong Competition
18:15 Award ceremony & Closing

Submission Requirements

Submissions can contain recent work on all relevant topics. All submissions will go through a light review process to ensure they fit with the scope of the workshop and to verify that they meet an acceptable quality threshold.

Special Call For Papers

As a continuation and expansion of the IJCAI Mahjong AI Competition in previous years, the GAAMAL workshop also welcome papers from teams of previous Mahjong AI competitions to present their algorithms and models for the competitions. Click to learn about IJCAI Mahjong AI Competitions

Important Dates

All deadlines are "anywhere on earth" (UTC-12)
  • Submission Deadline: May 12, 2024
  • Paper Notification: June 4, 2024
  • Workshop time: August 3, 2024

Program Chair

Wenxin Li
Professor in Peking University
Xiaotie Deng
Professor in Peking University
Yaodong Yang
Assistant Professor in Peking University
Junliang Xing
Professor in Tsinghua University
Weinan Zhang
Tenured Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Yang Gao
Professor in Nanjing University
Haifeng Zhang
Associate professor, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA)
Wenlong Li
General Secretary of Mahjong International League
Yutian Chen
Staff Research Scientist in Google DeepMind
LanZhou Zheng
CTO & Co-Founder of WEIZHIYU (Beijing) Technology co., LTd.
Haobo Fu
Principal Researcher in Tencent AI Lab

Organization Committee

Wenxin Li
Professor in Peking University
Haifeng Zhang
Associate professor, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA)
Weinan Zhang
Tenured Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Junliang Xing
Professor in Tsinghua University


Please send your inquiries to gaamal2024@gmail.com, or Yunlong Lu luyunlong@pku.edu.cn

  • Attention! According to IJCAI Regulations:

    At least one author of each accepted paper must travel to the IJCAI venue in person.

    Multiple submissions of the same paper to more IJCAI workshops are forbidden.


  • Submitted papers will have the opportunity to be accepted into Algorithms for Games AI, a special issue of the open access journal Algorithms by MDPI. Click to learn about this issue.
